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Piab Group x KTH – Danica Kragic Jensfelt on AI and Robotics in Industrial Automation

Published 10/2/2024

In the rapidly evolving world of industrial automation, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and machine learning is transforming how industries operate. At the forefront of this transformation is Danica Kragic Jensfelt, Professor of computer science, and researcher in AI, robotics, and machine learning at KTH Royal Institute of Technology. We had the opportunity to ask her a few questions to gain insights into the future of these technologies and their impact on industrial automation.

AI and Machine learning

When asked about the transformative potential of AI and machine learning in industrial automation, Danica Kragic Jensfelt's shared a bright vision. "The impact will be profound," she stated. "With humanoid robots and advanced sensing, we are going to see a lot of automation in tasks requiring high dexterity and multimodal sensing. These are tasks humans perform with their hands that require high precision, including visual and haptic feedback."

This vision truly aligns with Piab Group's strategic initiatives to expand our leverage of AI and machine learning, Piab Group aims to enhance its deeply rooted hardware strength with software know-how, driving efficiency and sustainable profitable growth.

Emerging applications of AI

Piab Group serves a diverse range of industries, from food and pharma to automotive and logistics. Danica highlighted several emerging applications of AI within these sectors. "Methods that allow automation of tasks involving soft and deformable objects are particularly promising," she noted. This insight is crucial for Piab Group as it continues to innovate and provide world-class products with unprecedented performance.

Groundbreaking changes in various industries

Danica Kragic Jensfelt also shared her thoughts on the most groundbreaking or disruptive changes AI will bring across various industries. "We already see an impact in supply chain and logistics, complex planning, and prediction. It will be interesting to see how information and experience are transferred between sectors — for example, what the automotive industry can learn from the fashion industry and vice versa."

Shaping the next generation of AI and robotics experts

As a professor, Danica Kragic Jensfelt is deeply involved in shaping the next generation of AI and robotics experts. When asked about the essential skills and knowledge for future professionals in these fields, she emphasized the importance of adaptability. "The ability to reinvent yourself — constantly educating yourself and testing new technologies — is crucial," she said.

Excitement for the future

Looking ahead, Danica expressed her excitement about the future of AI and robotics. "We have still not seen a large-scale deployment of humanoids in automation — I am really looking forward to that!" she exclaimed. 

This anticipation mirrors Piab Group's enthusiasm for future breakthroughs in advanced robotics, gripping technologies, and AI-enabled gripper awareness, energy-optimized moving patterns, and grip strength.

Collaboration Between Academia and Industry

Peter Laurin, CEO of Piab Group, underscores the importance of partnerships between academia and industry. "There is enormous potential in general, now further fueled as AI becomes a reality. Domain knowledge coupled with strong and deep technical expertise is so powerful," he remarked.

Danica Kragic Jensfelt's insights present an inspiring vision for the future of industrial automation. As AI, robotics, and machine learning continue to evolve, the collaboration between Piab Group and KTH Royal Institute of Technology is set to drive significant advancements and innovations. Together, we strive to shape the future of industrial automation, enhancing efficiency and fostering sustainable growth for years to come.

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